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One For The Road

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 6:49 pm
by Sylvio Constabel
Gesehen. Geht klar, jedoch ist mir das zu viel depri und zu wenig Komödie. Aber hey, mal was anderes.

From director Markus Goller and writer Oliver Ziegenbalg, the team behind the box office smash-hit '25km/h', the deeply touching and distinctly authentic ONE FOR THE ROAD stars Frederick Lau as a man forced to take a sobering look at himself.

Although in self-denial about his drinking problem, Mark (Lau) seems to have easily mastered life between his demanding job as a construction manager and rambunctious forays into Berlin’s nightlife. That is, until he is stopped by the police one night, and loses his license. Mark bets his friend Nadim (Burak Yigit) that he will stop drinking until he can pass the court-ordered medical and psychological examination needed to get it back... but things don’t go as planned.